Day 94 – Training for a 5k and Other Thoughts

– I went to a birthday party this weekend. They had music and an open bar
– No smoking before and after the party
– Also, I didn’t drink during the party
– The best thing about not smoking weed and drinking alcohol this weekend at the party. The next morning. I had no hangover. I was ready to go when I woke up
– It is such a great feeling. And I also didn’t need the liquid courage to have fun at the party. I danced and socialized just like I would if I had been drinking and smoking
– I’ve decided to run, or more like a jog, a 5k this October
– I am doing the MAF training – named after Dr. Maffetone. The training is exercising at a slow pace using your heart rate
– I now jog at a very slow pace. Almost comical. But I have faith that this training will work