Day 148 – Sometimes, a little stress while sober is good

– I’ve been up almost all night. We had a beeping sound all night. I thought it was the smoke alarm that was on the ceiling. I disabled all of them by taking out the battery. But the beeping sound still persisted. I couldn’t figure it out
– I decided to let it go and just rest for the night. My wife and daughter were able to sleep with the beeping noise. I could not, but I decided to rest and let it go
– In the past, I would have smoked some weed to take the edge off. And it got me thinking that sometimes a little stress while sober is good

– Life can be stressful, albeit it is mostly caused by own reactions. Still, we are humans, not robots, so those reactions that cause stress will always come
– The stress is gone, and I feel like things are good again. By being sober and off of weed, I would be much stronger at handling the times that stress appears

Day 145 – Meditation

– I’m new to meditation. I’m not a very good meditator
– At first I started to do 10 minutes a day, but it didn’t stick
– Now I meditate 2 minutes a day
– After a couple of weeks, I found it working
– I now stop myself before I get into an argument with someone (ex – my wife, family)
– The 2 min meditation has allowed me to think things through before I open my mouth
– I think this type of meditation can also help you from smoking weed when the thought of smoking comes thru your brain 

Day 141 – This pod is here to provide support

– I received some kind words on a Twitter DM from a listener. They said that this pod acts as support. I never thought about it in that way. I was grateful to receive that message
– I do like the idea that this pod is like a support system. To let you know that quitting weed isn’t easy, and it’s possible. And that life after quitting weed can be quite good
– I know I’ve said this before, but the feedback I get from this pod really makes me feel good. And that I will continue to do this pod for a long while. And this pod will continue to be free
– I truly believe my calling in life is to help others who want to quit weed in an inspirational way, not a nagging way

Day 140 – No more cough or scratchy throat

– When I smoked weed, I would get this cough. I think they call it smokers cough
– The cough was annoying. And sometimes, the cough would last for days and then go away. And then it would come back again in a couple of weeks. It would always be around the corner
– And the voice sounded like a smoker. It was scratchy. Now I could smoke less. You know what they say – the dose makes the poison. But that wasn’t possible for me
– No wonder I would get the smoker’s cough and scratchy voice. But since I quit smoking, I don’t get the smoker’s cough. And my voice is just fine
– And it also made me realize all the smoke I was inhaling couldn’t be good for me. Especially the amount that I was smoking

Day 138 – It’s nice going to sleep without smoking weed

– Last night I worked past dinner. Not ideal. I like to eat dinner with my family. After I finished my work, I put my daughter to bed. Then I went to bed too. I was a little hungry but didn’t want to eat so close to bedtime. When I eat right before I go to sleep, my resting heart rate goes way up, and I usually wake up feeling groggy
– And in the past, when I smoked weed, I would eat even more food close to bedtime. The combination of smoking weed and eating junk food close to bedtime makes me groggy when I wake up
– So when I woke up this morning feeling great, I was thinking to myself – that I am glad I don’t smoke weed anymore

Day 134 – Weed stopped making me calm

– When I smoked weed, it was for fun and relaxation. It made me calm. Things wouldn’t bother me. I would rarely get angry. But then something happened in the last 5 years. I didn’t get as calm as I used to when I started smoking weed
– If anything, my trigger to overreact and get angry got quicker. I’m not sure why. It could be that I smoked so much weed that I became desensitized to weed. I needed more and more weed to get to that state of relaxation that I used to get with just one puff of weed
– Now I think there are some of you that might be afraid that if you quit weed, you won’t be calm. My advice – try exercise, getting enough sleep, and meditating for 2 minutes a few times a day
– It is possible to be calm without weed

Day 132 – Sometimes, you have to be ready to quit weed

– Lately, I’ve been thinking about time and place. And that there are larger things that determine your fate. What does this mean? I’m not sure myself
– I don’t think I would have succeeded in quitting weed 5 or 10, or 15 years ago. I enjoyed weed too much. I didn’t think I had a problem. I was too smart, actually not smart but too arrogant, to think weed harmed me
– It wasn’t my time to quit weed. I don’t think I was ready to quit weed until 5 months ago. It was like there was something or someone bigger that was going to determine when I quit weed
– And that is why I have this pod. I wanted to help others realize that quitting weed is possible and that it doesn’t involve any special type of magic
– But if you are struggling to quit weed and have a hard time getting to day 2 or 7. I just want you to know that it is possible to quit even with periods of little failures
– And that this pod may be the larger thing in play that helps you realize that the time is now or coming soon when you will be able to quit weed successfully
– If you have questions, comments, or want to say hi – email me at or send me a message on Twitter @quittingweedpod

Day 127 – I don’t miss having Red Eyes

– I was at the farmers market last week to buy some fruits and vegetables. They also have a fresh pasta stand there too. I normally don’t buy pasta at the farmers’ market, but for some reason, I wanted to buy fresh pasta
– The guy that was selling it was super blazed. His eyes were super red. And he smelled of weed – no judgment on my part. I used to be him. When I used to go to the farmers market, I would smoke weed in the car before I shopped for food. I just wanted to be high. And my eyes would be super red. A lot of times, I would not have Visine with me
– But it is nice not to smoke weed and worry about red eyes. I’m fine with others that want to smoke weed. I’m not anti-weed. And I do think it serves a purpose. But it made me think I don’t have to get high just to do errands like shopping at the farmers market. Shopping at the farmers market shouldn’t have to feel like a chore. Now I go to the market to shop for fruits and vegetables, and I enjoy it without being high

Day 126 – Weed stopped being fun

– I was listening to Dr. Andrew Weil on the Tim Ferriss podcast, where Tim Ferriss asked Dr. Weil if he still smoked marijuana. He said he did a lot in his late 20s and early 30s, where he smoked weed for fun, pleasure, stimulated his creativity, and helped him write
– But he kept smoking it even though it just made him groggy. He finally stopped, and he has no interest anymore in weed
– As for my journey with weed, I have a similar experience as Dr. Andrew Weil. In my late teens and 20s, I smoked weed and loved it. In my 30s, I smoked to relax and not think about stress. In my 40s, weed just started to make me lazy and feel bad
– It feels good to have fun and get creative without weed. And it’s cheaper too. For those who have just quit or are thinking about quitting, you will find other ways to have fun, relax, and be creative without weed. It just takes a while for your natural senses to get back

Day 124 – Better now than never

– Better now than never. If you are thinking of quitting weed, the best time to quit is now
– If you think you have been smoking for so long, you might be thinking, what else do I have to live for? My life is what it is.
– I wouldn’t think that. I’m in my mid-40, and I used to think like that. I don’t think I shared my age before, but I’m sure some of you might have guessed since I have been smoking for almost 25 years
– But my life has improved since I quit weed. I have gained new skills – how to record and publish a podcast, writing and publishing an ebook, and a paperback

– And I may have another opportunity around the corner. All this in the last 124 days since I’ve quit weed
– So if you are considering quitting weed, I would say better now than never

Day 121 – I have more time since I’ve quit weed

– I have more time since I’ve quit weed
– When I smoked, I used to constantly think about when I would smoke weed and when to get some more weed
– Weed took up so much of my time
– Even when I wasn’t smoking weed, I would be thinking about smoking weed

– Now, I don’t even think about weed

– I do use that time to do more stuff, but I also enjoy just being idle

– Before, I couldn’t be idle if I wasn’t stoned

– Now I like being idle and not feeling bored

Day 116 – Loving my Life

– I can honestly say that I love my life now
– And I don’t think I would love it as much if I were still smoking weed
– When I’m sober, I do more things
– And when the end of the day comes, I look back, and I’m happy. The next morning when I wake up, I’m so glad. That’s a good day
– I spent a lot of time with my daughter yesterday, which made me happy
– If I were smoking weed, I wouldn’t have spent much time with my daughter
– I would have looked for a way to get out of the house for a couple of hours to smoke weed. 
– That is time away from my daughter. That is time away from the beach. That is time away from living

Day 113 – Is High THC Weed Dangerous?

– I read an article about the dangers of high THC weed. It interviewed a few people affected by high THC weed. Now a few people are not enough to conclude that today’s potent weed is dangerous
– I won’t go Reefer Madness on you. I haven’t seen that movie, which was released in 1936. I want to watch it. I will give you my review of that movie on this pod
– Back to the article, the most convincing thing I found was that weed was not as strong as it was in the past. From the ’60s to the ’80s, the THC in weed was less than 2%. In the ’90s, it was 4%
– Which I think is true. I started smoking weed in the ‘90s, and it was known, at the time, that you didn’t get high until the 3rd time you smoked it
– Now, it averages about 17% THC. That is a huge jump
– I don’t think high THC weed is good for you from an evolutionary perspective. If weed was mainly used for celebratory purposes and mostly low THC, then maybe that is what it is supposed to be
– It makes me think that I am glad that I quit weed

Day 109 – One of the Reasons Why I Quit Weed – My Health

– There are many reasons why I quit weed, but health was the big one
– When I smoked weed, I would use a pipe and a lighter
– And I smoked a lot
– That can’t be good for my lungs
– I want to live long without disability (healthspan)
– Exercise is important to living longer and healthier
– Quitting weed made me less lazy which prevented me from exercising
– Since I’ve quit weed, I’ve been exercising more

Day 106 – Spending time with others that don’t smoke

– I spend a lot of my time with my family. On the weekends, I spend time with my parents. They don’t smoke weed
– This has helped me in quitting weed. They don’t smoke, so I don’t smoke
– I don’t even think about smoking when I spend time with them
– Now, this may not be advisable for everyone. Some of you may live alone. Or some of you may live with others who smoke weed
– For those living alone, try to hang out with friends and family members who don’t smoke. And see if this helps

– For the ones that live with others who smoke, tell them that you are taking a break from smoking weed. They themselves might smoke when you are not around out of respect

Day 104 – Does quitting weed include edibles?

– Does quitting weed include edibles? Now I don’t like edibles. I always would eat too much or eat high doses of edibles. And they would make me sick. I would get a terrible stomach ache that would last half the day. And I would feel burnt out, almost like a hangover from drinking too much the night before
– Now, if a person wishes to quit smoking weed, do they have to quit edibles? Or if they took an extended break from smoking weed and eating edibles; and like quitting smoking for longer, but would like to get back to edibles, is that okay?
– I don’t know the answer to that
– The good thing with edibles is that they aren’t harmful to your lungs like smoking weed is
– If you find yourself not having the bad effects of smoking weed, it might be okay
– I know I won’t be doing any edibles because I don’t like how it affects me. And I would be tempted to buy some weed to smoke if I had to go to a dispensary or get it delivered

Day 102 – What happens if you take a long break from weed and smoke again?

– If you took a long break from weed and then you smoke again, what’s next?
– First don’t be so hard on yourself
– Smoking a couple times to once a month or even once a week is a lot less than smoking every day
– And it maybe possible to go from a heavy smoker to an occasional smoker
– For me, I don’t think I’ll ever smoke weed again. I just for myself that I’ll go back to being a regular smoker

Day 99 – I still get vivid dreams but a lot fewer nightmares

– I’m still training for the 5k. I still have to push myself to go for a slow jog
– If I still smoked weed, it would be much harder to motivate myself to run
– But I keep reminding myself that I want to be able to run the 5k without getting tired at the very least
– And for the long term, I need to exercise for my health. I want to feel young in my old age
– I think if I was still smoking weed. I would exercise less but still think about wanting to exercise
– And I would kick the can down the road saying to myself that I would quit weed and exercise tomorrow
– Since I quit weed, I dream a lot. Probably every night.
– In the beginning, I would get crazy nightmares. Not like ghosts or demons, the common one I hear about is snakes – though I did get one dream about snakes and alligators, which is scary
– Now the nightmares are a lot less. I don’t think I had a nightmare in a couple of weeks. Instead, I just get dreams that are kind of normal. What I mean by that is that I dream about stuff that typically happens to me during the day
– And I like these types of dreams. At least I’m not getting freaked out

If you have questions, comments, or want to say hi – email me at or send me a message on Twitter @quittingweedpod.

Day 97 – How to Relax without weed? It’s nothing magical. It’s more a mindset

– I don’t have any magic drink, supplement, or activity to help you relax
– I think the main thing to relax is doing something you enjoy
– And get used to the fact that you don’t need to weed to relax. Before, I felt the only way to relax was to smoke the strongest stuff and a lot of it
– But after quitting weed, my senses started to come back. I could laugh without weed. I can sleep without weed. And I can relax without weed
– So it’s more a mindset thing. And once your brain and body are off of weed, you realize that there is other stuff out there that can help you get into a state of relaxation

Day 94 – Training for a 5k and Other Thoughts

– I went to a birthday party this weekend. They had music and an open bar
– No smoking before and after the party
– Also, I didn’t drink during the party
– The best thing about not smoking weed and drinking alcohol this weekend at the party. The next morning. I had no hangover. I was ready to go when I woke up
– It is such a great feeling. And I also didn’t need the liquid courage to have fun at the party. I danced and socialized just like I would if I had been drinking and smoking
– I’ve decided to run, or more like a jog, a 5k this October
– I am doing the MAF training – named after Dr. Maffetone. The training is exercising at a slow pace using your heart rate
– I now jog at a very slow pace. Almost comical. But I have faith that this training will work

Day 89 – It’s Important to Live Most of your Life Sober

– If you are going to smoke weed, it should be used sparingly – celebratory, medically, and maybe for creativity

– But for me, I was addicted to weed. I smoked it all the time, so I needed to quit weed completely

– I don’t think weed was supposed to be so easy to get

– And I think we as humans were supposed to live most of the day sober and not always being high on weed

Day 87 – Does quitting weed mean I have to face my issues as opposed to ignoring them?

– The short answer is yes

– I used weed to ignore and sweep my problems under the rug
– I would have issues with my health or family, and I would just smoke weed, and the problems would just go away

– But it didn’t go away. It would come back after the high wore off

– Sometimes, the problems in my head didn’t go away, but the weed made me just not care
– Sooner or later I had to face these issues

– It was better for me to quit weed and face these issues now

– It was hard to quit weed, and it was harder to face these issues

– But I got through it

– And I was able to resolve some of the issues that I was ignoring

Day 84 – Can you have fun without weed?

– I wanted to have fun all the time. I guess I can have fun without weed. But weed made life more fun. I would be funnier with weed. I would laugh more without weed

– But then, after a while, life became less fun with weed. I would need more weed to get that high.

– I just convinced myself that weed was why I was having fun. But weed also made me feel bad and depressed. It also made me lazy and not creative

– Weed wasn’t making me laugh, be creative, or just have fun. Instead, it was me and my environment that decided if I was going to have fun or not

– I realized that I didn’t need weed to have fun. Or to be creative. I can tell jokes or write short stories without weed

– I can laugh with myself or with others without weed. Sure without weed, I can feel bad and depressed. Even uncreative. But that wasn’t because of not smoking weed. Instead, it was because of me.

– So, hang in there for the folks struggling to quit weed. Life can be great without weed. I would say it can be even better without weed

Day 82 – Is it Harder Now than Ever to Quit Weed? Yes it is

– Quitting weed now is harder than ever
– It is legal recreationally or medically in a lot of places
– There are dispensaries everywhere with a wide selection
– The stigma of smoking weed is less. In the past stoners had a bad stigma, not anymore
– All of this makes it hard to quit weed if you want to quit
– But it’s doable. I’ve been smoking weed for over 25 years and I was able to quit
– It wasn’t easy and I failed countless times trying to quit
– But eventually my mind and body were ready to quit weed

Day 80 – Admitting You Have a Problem with Weed

– It’s easy to smoke weed and get on with your day
– I know I did, especially during the first 20 years that I smoked
– I didn’t think I had a problem with weed. I thought I could just smoke less or stop smoking anytime I wanted. But I never wanted to stop. Why?
– Everything was better when I was high. Or so I thought
– And when I tried quitting about five years ago, I would just cave in and smoke some weed. And just say that I will stop tomorrow or next week
– I would convince myself that I didn’t have a problem with weed. That weed was not making my life worse. And all the things I want to do with my life can start tomorrow or next week
– But that was not true. I had to admit that I had a problem with weed. I was addicted to weed

– It wasn’t until I admitted to myself that I had a problem, that I could finally quit

Day 77 – My Sleep has Improved Since I Quit Weed

– When I smoked weed, I slept for 5 – 6.5 hours a night
– Since I quit weed, I sleep for 6.75 – 8 hours a night
– My REM sleep has greatly improved according to my smartwatch
– Other than quitting weed, I attribute my sleeping better is accepting that I will wake up in the middle of night
– I read a blog post on this by @CriticalMAS that talked about this
– I just accepted that I may not go back to sleep and not to worry about it
– And lo and behold, I eventually do fall back to sleep after 30 – 60 min

Day 73 – Does the temptation to smoke weed again ever come back?

– Yes, it can, and I thought about smoking again at the end of last week
– And I had a lot of thoughts in my head. I wasn’t happy. I felt a little out of shape since I exercised less during the week than I have been doing. My eating has been okay. I caved a couple of times and ate some junk food during the week
– But every time I think about smoking weed, I think about this podcast
– I guess that is where an accountability partner can help. Not someone to police you, but someone that you respect. In my case, my listeners are my accountability partners. I respect them. 
– They take time out of the day to listen to my pod. Some of them even email me. I don’t want to let them down.
– So I want to say thank you to my listeners. I was close to smoking weed last week, but I kept thinking of listeners. You have helped me keep clean and sober from weed.

Day 70 – A Day in My Life Since I Quit Weed

A Day in My Life Since I Quit Weed
– 7:30am I get up
– I spend less time in bed scrolling thru my phone
– I usually eat breakfast, usually a sweet potato with eggs
– I work fast in 3 – 4 hours in the morning
– I make a fruit/veggie smoothie for lunch
– after lunch, 45 min zone 2 fast walking
– work again for 90 min
– 4pm I pick up my daughter and play with her
– make dinner at 6pm
– play and read with my daughter till 8:30pm
– put my daughter to bed
– read and go to bed around 10pm

Day 66 – Why I Quit Weed?

– For me, I had no option
– I smoked too much, and when it came to working and taking care of myself, I did the absolute minimum
– Whatever my work required, I would do just enough to get it done
– In terms of taking care of myself – I barely did that. I would eat the worst foods and do minimal exercise
– I needed to quit weed. Not just to be more productive but to be a better me. Be in better health so I can take care of my parents and daughter. Be a better husband
– Not being able to do the things I want to do – podcasting, writing, being in better shape, spending quality time with family – would have filled my life with regret

Day 63 – The Hardest Part of Quitting is the First Week

– I’ve quit smoking weed for 2 months – 63 days. That also includes edibles, which I never liked or my body never liked
– Now I don’t even think about smoking weed anymore. Not even a little bit
– Probably the 2 most important things that helped me quit are admitting that I was an addict and having this pod where I confessed my addiction
– But being honest about myself being an addict made me determined to quit. I didn’t have a good relationship with weed

 – And having a pod called “Quitting Weed,” where my listeners are my accountability partner, kept me on track with quitting weed
– Now I look forward to having to write and record content for the pod. It is one of the most enjoyable things I do during the week.

– And the best thing is the messages I get from emails and Twitter DMs of people thanking me for this pod, and it has encouraged them to quit weed too. They make me feel great. Even better than money. These thank yous are priceless.

Day 56 – Grateful for Quitting and Inspiring Others to Quit Weed too

– I’ve gotten several emails from folks who thanked me for the podcast and how I’ve inspired them to quit
– Those emails make me feel good and motivate me to keep doing this pod for a long time
– And I now, more than ever, want to help others
– Helping others and receiving gratitude from them, which can be just a simple “thank you,” is worth more than $1000 (or maybe even more)
– It motivates me to wake up and do this pod
– I feel the best is yet to come in my life since I quit weed

Day 54 – no urge to smoke weed anymore

– Quitting weed was the best thing that I have done in my life
– I don’t have the urge to smoke weed anymore
– The urge to smoke went way down from day 5 to day 7
– Now on day 54, there is no urge. I don’t think about getting high. I don’t miss getting high.
– If I see someone smoking a joint in a movie or in real life, for the first time in a long time, I don’t want to smoke a joint too
– So for the folks that are trying to quit or just starting to quit, the urge to smoke and get high does go away. It does.

Day 52 – Nightmares and Failing is Part of Quitting

– Had a dream/nightmare that I was smoking weed in the car while driving to the dispensary to get some more weed
– Dream felt real until I woke up, then I realized it was just a dream
– In my dream, I felt disappointed that I had broken my streak
– I was happy that it was just a dream but realized that disappointment in yourself if you fail is natural
– Just don’t let the disappointment overcome you and that failing is a part of quitting
– I’ve failed 1000 times quitting weed before I got to day 52

Day 49 – Reflection and Tips that have Helped Me

– I finally passed the THC drug test. Took me 47 days to get it out of my system
– Release an eBook and paperback on Quitting Weed
– The book is content from my podcast
– If you don’t want to buy the book, no problem. Listen to the podcast which will always be free
– Don’t be so hard on yourself if you fail at quitting
– Start with a small goal – not smoking for 1 – 2 days
– Get the weed out of your home
– Get an Accountability Partner to share your progress
– Exercise
– Keep yourself busy
– Embrace the boredom…after a while you will not get bored being sober

Day 45 – Do a Podcast or Newsletter on Quitting Weed to Keep yourself Accountable

• If you don’t have anybody close to you that you feel comfortable being your accountability partner for quitting weed, then start a podcast or newsletter on quitting weed
• I started a podcast to talk about my journey of quitting weed, wanting to help others quit weed, and, most notably, keeping myself accountable to my podcast listeners
• If I smoked, I would disappoint my listeners and, more importantly, myself
• The podcast keeps me accountable
• A newsletter can work too
• Another good thing about starting a podcast or newsletter to help you quit weed is getting a 2-for-1 benefit
• You will quit weed and gain a new skill on how to create a podcast or newsletter

Day 42 – Get an Accountability Partner

• There are some things you won’t do for yourself, but you do because for others
• Having someone that keeps you accountable or, at the very least, someone you don’t want to disappoint could help you quit weed
• The accountability partner doesn’t have to police you to quit weed
• They don’t even have to provide advice on how to quit weed
• Just sharing with someone that you want to quit weed helps
• First, it allows you to be more honest with yourself if you let someone know you want to quit
• Second, you can use that partner to check on your progress
• The most significant benefit of having an accountability partner is not to keep you in check but to share your progress in quitting weed
• If you get to 7 days in a row of not smoking weed, that’s a huge win
• And the win is more significant if you get to share that with someone else

Day 40 – Eating Better and no More Munchies

• When I smoke, I get the munchies
• When I get the munchies, I eat the worst foods — pizza, burgers, bean and cheese burritos, ice cream, and so on
• There were times I would order a burger and fries around 7 pm. Scarf that down in seconds
• Smoke some bowls because the high wore off from overeating
• Then I would get the munchies again and order a pizza around 11 pm that night
• I am killing myself with all the overeating
• My resting heart rate will go through the roof if I eat too much and too close to bedtime
• I would wake up groggy and tired, the opposite of feeling refreshed. I would get a weed hangover and a too much food hangover
• Since I’ve stopped smoking weed, I don’t get the munchies. I do get hungry, but not as much. I don’t crave unhealthy foods as much. I, oddly enough, crave better foods – more fruits and vegetables

Day 38 – More Time to do Stuff

• When I smoked, I would just lay on the couch for hours
• I would daydream, think about the past, or just talk with myself in my head
• I would lose a half a day
• I could have gone for a hike and be back by lunch and still have half a day left
• Since I’ve stopped smoking, I get up and go.
• Now I get my work and exercise done before 3 pm, which leaves me time to do other stuff.
• I gain about 3 – 4 hours a day from not smoking weed
• When I do more stuff, I feel more accomplished and satisfied for the day.
• And this makes me happy

Day 33 – Exercise

👉 If I’m doing stuff, then I’m less likely to smoke weed

👉 Exercise is one of those things

👉 I can’t smoke at the gym

👉 I don’t smoke outside, I could, but I don’t want the neighborhood I smoke weed
👉 Exercise can also replace the high you get from weed

👉 I get high from running

👉 I get high from lifting weights

👉 I get high from the sauna

👉 Exercise is a new weed for me. And it’s socially acceptable, and I don’t have to hide it from anybody

Day 26 – Saving Lots of Money

👉 Day 26 – Saving Lots of Money
👉 It’s not just saving money on weed
👉 I am saving money on the junk food takeout
👉 And more often than not, I would order delivery
   👉 This adds even more to the cost because of the delivery fee and tipping
👉 So let’s break down the cost
   👉 weed -> $200/month -> $2400/year
   👉 takeout -> $360/month -> $4320/year
   👉 total saved -> $560/month -> $6720/year

Day 24 – more social

👉 More social
👉 When I smoked, and I smoked regularly, I had a hard time hanging out with people
👉 When I hung out with others, all I wanted to do was get back home or maybe to a park and smoke some weed
👉 It was like my whole day was planned on how much weed I have and when I was going to smoke it, which is almost all day
👉 Since I’ve quit weed, I find myself more willing to hang out longer, especially with casual acquaintances
   👉 Also I listen more to others’ talk

Day 14 – 2 weeks of not smoking weed

Day 14 – its been 2 weeks

  • I’m back to original programming
    • Last episode was a little detour
  • I’m feeling good
    • So happy that i’m 2 week of not smoking weed
    • I still like weed, but now i don’t want to smoke it
  • I don’t want to get to far ahead of myself
    • But i think the only thing that might tempt me to smoke is when i’m with friends that like to smoke
      • Which is more rare because as we get older we tend to hang out less with friends
  • I plan to do a drug test today
    • I’ll report back the results next monday
  • Some things i’ve noticed with not smoking weed
    • I feel good
    • But my resting heart rate is tending higher
      • I use a fitbit to measure
    • I wonder if there are compounding variables
      • I have been eating a little bit later
        • I’ll try to eat earlier in the day to see if that helps

Day 12 – getting closer to 2 week of no weed

Day 12 – getting closer to 2 weeks

  • Tough day yesterday
    • I want to keep this pod uplifting and inspirational
    • I don’t want to talk about current events
    • The shooting last week and yesterday hit me hard
    • I’m a parent and husband
      • Something that i haven’t mentioned before
      • One of the many reasons why i want to quit weed
    • I don’t have any answers about the tragedy
    • I’m praying for all the kids and their families
    • I have wondered if weed can help lessen violence
      • I know a lot about smoking weed and its effects on me (makes me calm and not worry)
        •  But i don’t know if that has the same effect for others
  • That’s all I have for today. This coming Friday, I will get back to having the pod be more uplifting
    • I will also be taking a take home drug test to see if i still have THC in my system

Day 5 – almost 1 week of being clean and i feel good

day 5 and things are looking good. less and less of an urge to smoke. keeping busy and doing the 75 hard program helps a lot

if you have any questions, comments, stories to share, or just want to say hi then email me at

Quitting Weed Day 0 – Starting tomorrow (I’ve said this over 1000 times)

I’m quitting weed tomorrow. I’ve said that before. But no really. I’ll be sharing my journey to quitting weed….starting tomorrow.

if you have any questions, feedback, or just want to say hi. email me at